Raven Poe, from IKE'S digis makes an appearance in this Festive Feathery piece. I used Amsterdam Paints, mixed with Floetral and water for this Pour. When I was done, I wasn't happy with it, so mixed up some Colourarte Pigments, with triple mix varathane and minwax and used the deep red in order to jazz the piece up. Under this piece is a rather thin layer of white house paint - just a generic paint bought at Home Depot. I did not use Glidden for this, as it didn't start out to be a Pigment Pour, for which thicker paint works best. Please email me if you have any questions re mixtures etc. You can see POE and other artist's renditions of Feathers on IKESWORLDCHALLENGEBLOG. Be Blessed Always, Samara For a better look at IKE'S digi...